
Worship Services

Sunday, September 5, 2021
Worship Service
Special Guest Pastor Gary Kleypas
The first Sunday in our September stewardship series. How will you serve God through time, talent, and treasure? We’ll be exploring this question and more throughout the month of September.
August 29, 2021 Worship Service
The final day in the season of creation, animal Sunday.

Worship for Sunday, August 22, 2021
The Season of Creation continues with Earth Sunday. Today we celebrated the gifts of the earth and learned all about the parable of the sower. God provides us with an unlimited supply of seeds of love to plant in the hearts of others!
Sunday, August 15, 2021 Worship - Water Sunday
Today we continued in the Season of Creation with Water Sunday. It turned out to be pretty perfect since God sent us beautiful (and heavy!) rain during worship this morning. In fact, the rain was so loud that it made it hard to hear sometimes. We apologize for the sound today and are working on ways to improve our worship recording. Thanks be to God for technology that allows us to record and share worship when folks can't be with us in person.
At the beginning of worship we offered a back to school prayer and blessing for students, teachers, administrators, and all those who support education. 
Aug 8, 2021 Sunday Worship Svc
Today we continued the Season of Creation with Universe Sunday. We were reminded that we are as unique as the stars in the sky and just like the stars, we shine with the light of Christ throughout the whole world. Our service included two special pieces of music played by our Handbell Choir and the Rite of Baptism for one of our newest church members. God's creation is AMAZING!
August 2, 2021 Worship Service
Today we began the Season of Creation with Humanity Sunday. What better way to celebrate Humanity than to have a special presentation about our recent Vacation Bible School program. We all had an amazing time riding the Rocky Railway where we learned Jesus's Power Pulls Us Through: TRUST JESUS!
April 11, 2021 Sunday Worship
March 28, 2021 Palm Sunday Worship

2021 Palm Parade at the end of our Palm Sunday worship service today. Thanks to Deana for the video and to Robin Lynn for leading the parade!

March 21, 2021 Worship
Fifth Sunday in Lent
Worship Bulletin:

March 14, 2021 Worship
Fourth Sunday in Lent
Join us online every Sunday at 9am for worship.
Worship Bulletin:

March 7, 2021 Worship
Third Sunday in Lent
Join us online every Sunday at 9am for worship.
Worship Bulletin: 

February 28, 2021 Worship
Second Sunday in Lent
Join us online every Sunday at 9am for worship. Find out more by visiting our website at www.killeenimmanuel.com.
Worship Bulletin:

Sunday, Feb 21, 2021 Ash Wednesday Worship
"From dust you have come and to dust you shall return."
Participate in an adapted Ash Wednesday worship service using your Lent at Home worship bags. We will mark the delayed start of our journey through Lent with ash, prayer, scripture, communion, and most importantly, God's love.
If you still need a Lent at Home worship bag, please contact Pastor Veronica at 443-613-2674.

Feb 14, 2021 Worship
Transfiguration Sunday
Digital Bulletin

Feb 7, 2021 Worship
Fifth Sunday after Epiphany
Find the bulletin here:
1. Do you think the disciples expected Jesus to heal this woman too? Is there any connection between what Jesus did at the synagogue and what he did at Simon’s home?
2. Does this story make you think about service in a new way? What do you think we can learn from Simon’s mother-in-law?
3. What do you think we can learn from his example? Why is it important for us to set aside intentional time for prayer, reflection, and meditation?
4. When you hear this story from Mark’s gospel, do you notice a relationship between this story and the timing of the church calendar? How does this gospel lesson prepare us for Lent?
5. Have you ever been in Jesus’s shoes, where you can’t seem to get away? Have you ever felt like the disciples, where you’re looking for how Jesus is working in your life and coming up short?

Jan 31, 2021 Worship
Fourth Sunday after Epiphany
Find the bulletin here
Today's God Talk:
1. In today’s gospel reading from Mark, we hear a lot about authority. What does ‘authority’ mean to you? Is there a difference between power and authority?
2. What do you think it was like for the witnesses who experienced Jesus casting out an unclean spirit? How might you have reacted at this scene?
3. At the heart of this story is the idea that there are rules, but that sometimes the best choice is not to follow them. Can you think of some other examples of times when not following the rules was the best choice?

Jan 24, 2021 Worship
Third Sunday after Epiphany
Find the bulletin here:
January 24, 2021 Worship Bulletin.pdf - Google Drive
1. Jesus says to the disciples, “the kingdom of God has come near.” What do you think of when you hear this? What does the kingdom of God look like to you?
2. The disciples were fishermen, but Jesus called them to become fishers of people. Have you ever done any people fishing? How did it work out?
3. In this gospel story, accepting Jesus’s call to follow him means dropping everything. How would you respond if Jesus showed up right now and asked you to do the same thing as the disciples?

January 17, 2021 Worship
Second Sunday after Epiphany
Find the bulletin here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zJjP8ZI6OkIOqOvMwfAcsYkPg3EV2eh4/view?fbclid=IwAR2Pj0HkopEbSvr-GFnFBlASwpAWlg5kucdghlbtJFw9L917WE9py3ZrSXs
Today's God Talk:
1. Nathanael makes assumptions about Jesus because he’s from Nazareth. What are some assumptions we make about people because of where they’re from?
2. Today’s Gospel lesson is really a story about being Called by God. How have you been Called by God recently?
3. Jesus tells Nathanael that he is going to “see greater things than these.” Where have you seen great things that God has done?

Jan 10, 2021 Worship
Baptism of Our Lord
Today's God Talk:
1. Baptismal stories are an important part of our faith. Share a story about a baptism you’ve witnessed or been a part of (maybe it was your own!). What was the experience like for you?
2. What are some things that remind us of our baptism in daily life? When and where do you remember your baptism?
3. The Holy Spirit descends like a dove and voice from the heavens declares that Jesus is “beloved.” We know that God calls us beloved too. What does the word beloved mean to you? How does it feel to be called beloved by God? 
Access today's worship bulletin by clicking the link below: file:///C:/Users/Do/Downloads/January%2010,%202021%20Worship%20Bulletin.pdf

Sunday, Jan 3, 2021 Worship
Epiphany of Our Lord
9:00am Worship
Access the worship bulletin here:

Dec 27, 2020 First Sunday of Christmas
Today we welcome Bishop Erik Gronberg, PhD of the Northern Texas-Northern Louisiana Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
Bishop Gronberg is sharing with us the gospel reading and a sermon for the First Sunday of Christmas.

Finding Our Joy - The Joy of Mary and Joseph
9:00am CST
Click the link to access the online bulletin:

Dec 13, 2020 Sunday Worship
Third Sunday of Advent
Finding Our Joy - The Joy of the Angels
Click the link to access the online bulletin:

Dec 6, 2020 Worship
Second Sunday of Advent
Finding Our Joy - The Joy of the Shepherds
9:00am CST

Nov 29, 2020 Sunday Worship
First Sunday of Advent

Nov 22, 2020 Worship Service
Christ the King Sunday
The campus of Immanuel Lutheran Church is NOW OPEN for in-person worship Sunday mornings at 9:00am! Worship is live-streamed for those who want to worship from home and we are still offering a wide range of online events.

Nov 15, 2020 Worship
24th Sunday after Pentecost

Nov 1, 2020
Reformation Sunday Worship

Oct 25, 2020
Reformation Worship

Sunday, September 27, 2020 Worship
17th Sunday after Pentecost
Join us as we sing, pray, and hear God's Word!

Sunday, September 20, 2020
16th Sunday After Pentecost
Sing, pray, and hear God's Word as we worship together online at 9:00am on Sunday mornings. 
God Loves. We Love. Always.

Sunday, September 13, 2020 Worship
15th Sunday after Pentecost
Join us as we sing, pray, and hear God's word. 
We worship together online every Sunday at 9am CST. 
God loves. We love. So come as you are - we're glad you're here.

Sunday, September 6, 2020
14th Sunday After Pentecost
Join us for worship online on Sundays at 9am right here on Facebook.
God loves. We love. You're welcome here.

August 30, 2020 Weather Sunday
Season of Creation
Join us as we sing, pray, hear God's Word, and celebrate the Season of Creation.
This week is our final Sunday.

Aug 23, 2020 Season of Creation
Animal Sunday
Join us to sing, pray, and hear God's Word as we celebrate the Season of Creation. 

August 16, 2020 Season of Creation
Plant Sunday
Join us as we sing, pray, hear God's word, and celebrate the Season of Creation. This week's theme is Plants: from the smallest seed to the tallest tree, and everything in between. We are called to grow too, but in our faith.

August 9, 2020
Humanity Sunday
Season of Creation
Join us as we celebrate the Season of Creation!
Sing, pray, and hear God's Word as we gather online for worship. 

August 2, 2020
Universe Sunday
Join us for worship as we celebrate the Season of Creation!

July 26, 2020
8th Sunday after Pentecost
Worship with us! Sunday mornings at 9am on Facebook. Sing, pray, and hear God's word.
July 19, 2020
Worship Service
Seventh Sunday After Pentecost

Sunday, July 12, 2020
Sixth Sunday after Pentecost
Join us as we sing, pray, and hear God's Word! 

July 5, 2020
Worship with us on this fifth Sunday after Pentecost.

Sunday, June 28, 2020
Fourth Sunday After Pentecost
Jun 21, 2020
Third Sunday After Pentecost
The building might be closed, but worship hasn’t been cancelled! Prayer, singing, scripture, a special message, and more, make up this worship service for all ages.

June 14, 2020
Second Sunday after Pentecost
Guest Preacher - The Rev. Kris Totzke, Bishop’s Associate,
Northern Texas-Northern Louisiana Synod of the ELC

Jun 7, 2020
Holy Trinity Sunday
Guest Preacher - Bishop Elizabeth Eaton,
Presiding Bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA)
Guest Preacher - Bishop Erik Gronberg, PhD, Bishop of the Northern Texas-Northern Louisiana Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA)
The building might be closed, but worship hasn’t been cancelled! Prayer, singing, scripture, a special message, and more, make up this worship service for all ages. 

Seventh Sunday of Easter - May 24, 2020
The building might be closed, but worship hasn’t been cancelled!
Prayer, singing, scripture, a special message, and more, make up this worship service for all ages

Sixth Sunday of Easter - May 17, 2020
The building might be closed, but worship hasn’t been cancelled!
Prayer, singing, scripture, a special message, and more, make up this worship service for all ages
May 10, 2020
Fifth Sunday of Easter Worship
Join us for a casual worship service featuring a sermon, prayer, scripture, music, children's message, and more! 
May 3, 2020
Fourth Sunday of Easter Worship
Sing, pray, and hear God's Word as the Easter celebration continues. 
Spring is here and Christ is still risen. Shout Alleluia as we worship Christ our shepherd.
Apr 26, 2020
Third Sunday after Easter Worship
Pray, sing, and hear God's Word of life as the Easter celebration continues!
April 12, 2020 Easter Worship Service
The group that gathered at the empty tomb was small and the disciples they share the good news with were at home... not too much different from our Easter celebration this year. Join us as we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ like the those at the first Easter through prayer, music, and scripture. Christ is risen! Alleluia!

Good Friday Worship Apr 10, 2020
Scripture, prayer, music, and imagery guide us through Good Friday worship as we gather to hear the final words of our Savior before his death on the cross.
Maundy Thursday Worship Apr 9, 2020

Palm Sunday, April 5, 2020
Isaiah 50:4-9
Psalm 31:9-16
Philippians 2:5-11
Matthew 21:1-11
Midweek Evening Lenten Worship April 1, 2020
Theme: Spiritual practice of service

Midweek Lenten Morning Worship April 1, 2020
2020 Lenten theme is spiritual practices and the final theme is Service.

Sunday, March 29, 2020
5th Sunday in Lent
First Lesson - Ezekiel 37:1-14
Psalm 130
Second Lesson - Romans 8:6-11
Gospel - John 11:1-45
Midweek Evening Lenten Worship - Mar 25, 2020
Spiritual Disciplines - Prayer 
Job 22:21-30
Mark 11:20-25
Midweek Morning Lenten Worship - Mar 25, 2020
Spiritual Disciplines - Prayer 
Job 22:21-30
Mark 11:20-25

March 22, 2020
Fourth Sunday in Lent, Year

Mar 18, 2020
Midweek Lenten Worship - Spiritual discipline of silence, PM Edition
Mar 18, 2020 11:30AM 
Midweek Lenten Worship with Pastor Veronica- Spiritual Discipline of Silence
March 15, 2020 - Welcome! This is our first online worship service! Since we have temporarily suspended in church services, Pastor Veronica wants reach out to everyone and still let all be able to still attended our services.