(April, 2021)

We, the members of Immanuel Lutheran Church, realize the need for organization to carry forth the mission of our church and do hereby set forth these bylaws to the constitution of our church and solemnly pledge ourselves to be governed by the provisions contained herein. In the name of the Father and the Son and of the Holy Spirit.


1 Mission Statement and Vision
2 Changes to Bylaws
3 Congregational Meetings
4 Quorum for Meetings
5 Request to Place Items on the Agenda
6 Fiscal Year
7 Budget
8 Review of Financial Records
9 Officers and Board Directors
10 Election of Officer and Board Directors
11 Installation of Officers and Board Director/Terms of Office
12 Organizational Structure
13 Ex Officio Members of Boards and Ad Hoc Committees
14 Powers of the Congregation
15 Meetings of the Congregation Council
16 Executive Committee
17 Board Organization and Responsibilities
18 Ad Hoc Committees
19 Staff
20 Insurance
21 Recurring Use of Church Property
22 Cemetery
23 Amendments and Policy Statements

B1.01. The mission of Immanuel Lutheran Church: “God loves, we love; God serves, we serve; God accepts, we accept; Always, with God’s help.
B1.02. The ministry vision: “Love, Serve, Accept.”
B1.03. These statements are hereby accepted in order to provide general direction to our ministry.
B1.04. These statements will be reviewed annually by the Congregation Council. Any changes require congregational approval during a congregational or special meeting called for this stated purpose. Revision requires a majority vote of voting members present.

B2. These bylaws may be changed in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 17 of the Constitution of Immanuel Lutheran Church.

B3.01. A congregational meeting will be held on a Sunday in April to elect officers and board directors of the Congregation Council. An annual report from the boards will be presented at this meeting. (C10.01)
B3.02. A congregational meeting will be held on a Sunday in November to approve the annual budget and elect a nominating committee. (C10.01) (C13.02)
B3.03. Other business may be conducted during the meetings, provided items are duly placed on the agenda. (B5.01)
B3.04. Special meetings may be called in accordance with chapter C10.02 and C10.03 of the constitution.

B4. Ten percent (10%) of the voting members of Immanuel Lutheran Church constitute a quorum necessary to conduct business during any congregational meeting.

B5.01. Any congregational member may request item(s) to be placed on the agenda for a congregational meeting. Such request(s) must be received by the president at least 30 days prior to the meeting.
B5.02. No item(s) other than those specified may be placed on the agenda for a special meeting.

B6. The fiscal year will be the calendar year of January 1 to December 31.

Part 7. BUDGET

B7.01. The annual budget proposal, to assist with the program of ministry, will be approved by the Congregation Council during its October meeting. Following Congregation Council approval, the budget will be presented to the congregation for approval during the November meeting. (C10)
B7.02. Upon congregational approval, the Congregation Council may amend budget line items. Indebtedness incurred greater than 10% of the approved budget requires congregational approval at a congregational or special meeting. (C12.05.d)

B8.01. The Financial Review Committee shall conduct an annual financial review of the congregation’s financial and business procedures, following guidelines provided by the synod. Members should have a financial/accounting background. An outside financial facilitator may be contracted as needed. (C13.03)
B8.02. Results of the review will be presented, in writing, to the Executive Committee/Congregational Council no later than May of each year.

B9. The officers and board directors of the Congregation Council will administer the congregation as specified in Chapter 11 and Chapter 12 of the constitution.

B10.01. The nomination committee will present a slate of officers and board directors to the Congregation Council prior to their March meeting. Upon acceptance, the slate will be presented to the congregation for approval during the April congregational meeting.
B10.02. The nominating committee will be composed of members of Immanuel Lutheran Chruch. (C13.02)
B10.03. The pastor will convene the nominating committee and, with the president, charge the committee with its tasks. If the pastor is unavailable, the Congregation President will convene the nominating committee
B10.04. The nominating committee will select a chairperson from its members who will be charged to carry out the election of officers and board directors during the April congregation meeting.
B10.05. Nominations from the floor will be accepted during the April meeting of the congregation and placed on the ballot provided: (1) the nominee agrees to serve in the position to which nominated and (2) the nominee meets the criteria outlined in paragraph B10.09. (C8.02)
B10.06. Election will be by acclamation or written ballot if nominations are made from the floor.
B10.07. The ballots will be counted and the nominee receiving the majority of the votes will be received into office.
B10.08. Vacancies on the nominating committee will be filled by appointment by the Congregation Council to serve the remainder of the term.
B10.09. Individuals nominated for any elected council position must:
     (1) be a voting member of this congregation;
     (2) worship and commune regularly.

B11.01. Officers and directors duly elected should be installed during a Sunday worship service in May.
B11.02. Terms of office should begin June 1 of each year. (C12.02)
B11.03. Officers shall be elected by congregational vote and serve a two-year term unless all four executive board positions are up for elections at the same time, in which case, two positions will serve a one-year term; positions to be filled will be determined on a volunteer or other unbiased basis.

B12.01. The organizational structure will be as follows:
     a. Officers:
          1) President
          2) Vice President
          3) Secretary
          4) Treasurer
     b. Board Directors:
          1) Education
          2) Evangelism
          3) Fellowship
          4) Lay Ministry
          5) Property
          6) Stewardship & Mission Outreach
          7) Youth
When, in the judgement of the Congregation Council, the boards/organizational structure cannot be supported or maintained, boards may be combined or realigned. This action may or may not be permanent and may be changed depending on the needs of Immanuel Lutheran Church and its ability to sustain the overall Program of Ministry. This combining or realigning is designed to enable Immanuel Lutheran Chruch to be flexible and respond to changes in ministry or opportunities for ministry.

B13. The pastor(s) and the Congregation Council president (C13.08) shall be non-voting ex officio members of all boards and ad hoc committees.

B14.01. Authority of the Congregation Council is enumerated in Chapter 12 of the Constitution.
B14.02. Officers’ responsibilities include but are not limited to:
     a. President:
          1) Oversee congregation functions, plans and activities for the advancement of Christ’s kingdom.
          2) Serve as chairperson of the Congregation Council and congregation.
          3) Ensure that all Immanual Lutheran Church functions are in accordance with the constitution and bylaws and as approved by the congregation.
          4) Represent Immanual Lutheran Church on all matters with the ELCA, NTNL Synod, Heart of Texas (HOT) Conference and any other business or agency
              with which Immanuel Lutheran Church does business.
          5) Preside at meetings of the Executive Committee, Congregation Council and congregation.
          6) Maintain a supportive relationship with the pastor(s) office to enable open communication and ensure effective administrative direction.
          7) Maintain open communication with the congregation on matters of congregational concern.
          8) Prepare and distribute an agenda for the Executive Committee, Congregation Council and congregational meetings.
          9) In conjunction with the Executive Committee and board directors, prepare the annual budget.
     b. Vice President:
          1) Serve as the Congregation Council and congregation vice president.
          2) In the absence of the president, preside at Executive Committee, Congregation Council and congregational meetings.
          3) Carry out the duties of the president in the event of a vacancy in that office until the next congregational meeting, at which time a president will be elected.
          4) Perform other duties as assigned by the president.
     c. Secretary:
          1) Serve as the Congregational Council and the congregation secretary.
          2) Ensure accurate recordings of minutes of all Executive Committee, Congregation Council and congregational meetings.
          3) Present minutes for approval during the Executive Committee, Congregation Council and congregational meetings.
          4) Perform other duties as assigned by the president.
     d. Treasurer:
          1) Serve as the financial officer of the congregation.
          2) Ensure that church records and monthly and yearly financial statements are maintained in accordance with generally accepted accounting practices.
          3) Review all financial records and make recommendations concerning financial matters to the Congregation Council and congregation.
          4) Monitor the cash position of the congregation; ensure all church monies are properly received, accounted for and disbursed in a manner to ensure that funds
              are available to meet recurring expenses.
          5) Recommend the establishment of special financial accounts such as savings, investments, endowments, etc. and investing available funds as directed by the
              Congregation Council and/or congregation.
          6) Distribute and provide a report of the financial condition of Immanuel Lutheran Church at each Congregation Council and congregational meetings.
          7) Sign all checks for accounts payable.
          8) Oversee bookkeeping functions and ensure that the church financial secretary pays all approved bills, invoices and charges, as well as filing required 
               federal and state tax forms, in a timely manner.
          9) Provide financial information to the Financial Review Committee and/or the facilitator (if used) for the purpose of conducting the annual financial review.
        10) Review guidelines for congregation treasurers provided by the synod.
        11) Perform other duties as assigned by the president.
     e. Board of Directors Duties and Responsibilities:
          1) Directors are responsible to the president for all matters of function, to ensure coordination with other directors and for general conformity with the 
              congregation’s current mission statement and vision. They shall attend all Congregation Council meetings.
          2) Plan, program, institute and coordinate activities which are directed toward assisting the members of Immanuel Lutheran Church.
          3) Recruit members to serve on their respective boards.
          4) Conduct monthly meetings of their respective boards.
          5) Specific board duties and responsibilities are elaborated on in Part 17 of the Immanuel Lutheran Chruch bylaws.
          6) Perform other duties as assigned by the president.

B15.01. The Congregation Council should meet monthly on a date agreed upon by its members. (C12.10)
B15.02. Special meetings may be called in accordance with the constitution. (C12.10 and C12.11)
B15.03. Meetings will follow Robert’s Rules of Order, latest addition, and may be attended by any member of Immanuel Lutheran Church.
B15.04. A majority of voting members will constitute a quorum. (C12.11)
B15.05. Each board has one vote. In the absence of the director, the assistant director may vote and participate in all phases of regular or special meetings of the Congregation Council.

B16.01. The officers of the Congregation Council constitute the Executive Committee.
B16.02. The pastor shall serve as an ex officio member without vote.
B16.03. Monthly meetings will be conducted; recommendations by the Executive Committee must be presented to the Congregation Council for vote.
B16.04. The annual budget to assist the Program of Ministry will be compiled by the Executive Committee and presented to the Congregation Council in October for approval. The budget will be presented at the November congregational meeting for approval by the voting membership.
B16.05. Personnel Actions:
     a. Work with an ad hoc Personnel Committee to prepare job descriptions for the financial secretary, membership secretary, nursery attendant, video/media design 
          technician, sound technician, organist, choir director, choir accompanist and hand bell director. These job descriptions will be presented to the Congregation
          Council for approval. Upon approval, and after the employee has signed his/her job description, one copy will be provided to the employee and a signed copy,
         as well as the master copy, will be filed in the church office.
     b. Work with the Personnel Committee to advertise for and interview prospective candidate(s) for each employee listed in a. above. Final approval will be granted
          by the Congregation Council. Background checks will be conducted as part of the hiring process. Salaries for all positions will be determined by the Executive
         Committee and approved by the Congregation Council and congregation.
     c. Work with the Personnel Committee to conduct an annual performance review for each employee listed in a. above. At that time, necessary changes to the job
         description(s) are to be made and the revised job description(s) presented to the Congregation Council for approval. Upon approval and after the employee has
         signed his/her revised job description, a signed revised copy will be provided to the employee and a copy of the signed, revised job description as well as the
         master copy will be filed in the church office. Reviews shall be conducted on or before the hire-date anniversary.
B16.06. In conjunction with the Board of Property:
     a. Prepare a scope of work for the custodial contractor. The scope of work will be presented to the Congregation Council for approval. Upon approval, and after
         the vendor has signed the contract, one copy will be provided to the vendor and a signed copy, as well as the master copy, will be filed in the church office.
     b. Advertise for and interview prospective vendors for the custodial contract. Final approval will be granted by the Congregation Council. The custodial contract
         amount will be determined by the Executive Committee.
     c. Conduct an annual performance review for the custodian contractor’s performance. At that time, necessary changes to the scope of work are to be made and the
         revised scope of work will be presented to the Congregation Council for approval. Upon approval, and after the vendor has signed the contract, one copy will
         be provided to the vendor and a signed copy, as well as the master copy, will be filed in the church office. An annual review shall be conducted on or before the
         contract date anniversary.


B17.01. Board Organization:
     a. The following boards will be established:
          1) Education
          2) Evangelism
          3) Fellowship
          4) Lay Ministry
          5) Property
          6) Stewardship and Mission Outreach
          7) Youth
     b. Requirements: The following applies to ALL boards:
          1) Be present for periodic training as determined by the Pastor(s) and this board.
          2) The board director shall be a member of the Congregation Council. He/she or a representative of the board shall attend monthly meetings of the
              Congregation Council and shall provide a monthly report of current board functions/actions to the church secretary on the Monday prior to the meeting.
          3) Submit an annual budget request in the form and at the time required by the Executive Committee.
          4) Submit an annual report to the Executive Committee for inclusion in the board reports at the April congregational meeting.
          5) The board director and/or assistant director will volunteer to serve as a Sunday offering counter one month out of the year. The volunteer list is coordinated
               by the Board of Stewardship and Mission Outreach.
B17.02. Board of Education:
     a. Organization: The board will be composed of a director, assistant director and additional members.
     b. Responsibilities: The board is responsible for planning, administering and supervising the education program, determining policies, selecting personnel for  
         various groups and providing necessary materials and facilities to enhance Christian education.
     c. Suggested Functions May Include But Are Not Limited To:
          1) Performing all administrative tasks related to the effective functioning of Christian education.
          2) Recruiting, training and supporting Sunday school teachers.
          3) Selecting the Sunday School Superintendent. Functions of the Sunday School Superintendent shall include.
              (a) Recruiting Sunday school teachers and substitutes.
              (b) Ensure that all volunteers have a current background check on file in the church office.
              (c) Conducting the Sunday school openings.
              (d) Serving as a member of the Board of Education.
              (e) Maintaining Sunday school attendance records.
              (f) Submitting an annual report of the Sunday school status to the Board of Education.
          4) Coordinating with related boards to include youth and children of the church in worship involvement and special worship services.
          5) Approving curriculum and analyzing accomplishments of each education program to ensure Christian education needs are being met.
          6) Organizing and supervising activities such as Vacation Bible School, the Christmas program and Easter egg hunt.
          7) Coordinating with the Board of Fellowship to honor confirmands and graduates by hosting a reception or other appropriate form of recognition.
          8) Adopting or adapting suggestions from the education departments of the conference synod or church-wide ELCA.
          9) Maintaining and encouraging the use of the church library.
        10) Periodically examining the education facilities and equipment and making recommendations to the Board of Property for repairs and replacement needs.
        11) Responsible to ensure the coverage of the church nursery in the absence of the church nursery attendant. All nursery attendants must have a current
              background check on file in the church office.
B17.03. Board of Evangelism:
     a. Organization: The board will be composed of a director, assistant director and additional members.
     b. Responsibilities: The board is responsible for the enlistment of all of God’s people in the work of spreading the gospel.
     c. Suggested Functions May Include But Are Not Limited To:
          1) Share with the pastor(s) in the entire program of proclaiming the gospel to all people.
          2) Foster a climate of evangelism and prayer that encourages members to share Christ with one another and the unsaved.
          3) Maintain a log of visitors and follow up with them.
             (a) Make phone calls if their number is available.
             (b) Send postcards following the week of visitation if their address is available.
         4) In conjunction with other boards, review, orient and integrate new members into the life of the congregation.
         5) Maintain advertising:
             (a) In local newspapers, radio stations, telephone books and social media
             (b) In coordination with the Pastor(s), submit news articles to local papers and other media.
             (c) Shall maintain electronic means of communication/notification.
         6) Exhibit an atmosphere of friendliness in the congregation toward members and visitors and suggest ways of improvement.
B17.04. Board of Fellowship:
     a. Organization: The board will be composed of a director, assistant director and additional members.
     b. Responsibilities: The board is responsible for strengthening the fellowship within the congregation both spiritually and socially.
     c. Suggested Functions May Include But Are Not Limited To:
         1) Following suggestions listed on the Board of Fellowship guide. Coordinate:
            (a) 5th Sunday Congregational Covered Lunch
            (b) Annual Outdoor Picnic
            (c) Confirmation Reception
            (d) New Member Sunday
            (e) Retiree and Friends Monthly Luncheon
            (f) Funeral Meals
           (g)Coordinate coffee/snacks for scheduled worship services
        2) Monitor supplies and purchase as needed.
B17.05. Board of Lay Ministry:
     a. Organization: -The board will be composed of a director, assistant director and additional members.
     b. Responsibilities: The board is responsible for the spiritual welfare of the congregation.
     c. Suggested Functions May Include But Are Not Limited To:
          1) Pray for the pastor(s) and other congregational leaders encouraging them by word and action.
          2) Train and supervise lay ministry teams to visit and/or commune congregational home-bound members.
          3) In conjunction with other boards, receive, orient and integrate new members into the life of the congregation.
          4) The board is responsible for worship planning and support for all regular and special services which includes the coordination of rosters for ushers, greeters,
               readers, acolytes, communion assistants, and altar guild. The board also should coordinate with the musicians, sound technician, and video/media design
          5) An Altar Guild will operate as a sub-committee of the Board of Lay Ministry. It will be comprised of a chairperson who is a member of the Lay Ministry
              Board and any other Lay Ministry members or members of the congregation.
B17.06. Board of Property:
     a. Organization: The board will be composed of a director, assistant director and additional members.
     b. Responsibilities: The board is responsible for the proper maintenance and repair of church property and the general protection of the congregation against loss
        or damage of any nature.
     c. Suggested Functions May Include But Are Not Limited To:
         1) Conduct an annual inventory of all church properties, equipment and supplies including the acquisition date and approximate value of each item. Provide the
             church office with the master copy. This shall be accomplished not later than September 1.
         2) In conjunction with the Congregation Council, carry out all resolutions of the congregation on purchases, repairs and replacements of church property and
         3) Determine and establish regulations and guidelines governing the use of church property, equipment and fees for rental use, subject to the approval by the
             Congregation Council. Provide the church office with the master copy.
         4) Supervise, control and recommend adequate storage facilities for all church property, equipment and supplies and their orderly maintenance.
         5) Assess all property on a quarterly basis for any potential hazards.
         6) Negotiate service and supply contracts, subject to the approval by the Congregation Council. Provide the church office with the master copy.
         7) Provide for the use, care, maintenance and condition of the church cemetery.
         8) In conjunction with the Executive Committee:
              a. Prepare a scope of work for the custodial contractor. The scope of work will be presented to the Congregation Council for approval. Upon approval, and 
                 after the vendor has signed the contract, one copy will be provided to the vendor and a signed copy, as well as the master copy, will be filed in the church
             b. Advertise for and interview prospective vendors for the custodial contract. Final approval will be granted by the Congregation Council.The custodial 
                 contract amount will be determined by the Executive Committee.
            c. Conduct an annual performance review for the custodian contractor’s performance. At that time, necessary changes to the scope of work are to be made
                and the revised scope of work will be presented to the Congregation Council for approval. Upon approval, and after the vendor has signed the contract,
                one copy will be provided to the vendor and a signed copy, as well as the master copy, will be filed in the church office. Annual review shall be conducted
                on or before the contract date anniversary.
        9) In conjunction with the church office, ensure that locks to all church property are rekeyed when there is a change in non-member staff. A key log shall be
             maintained in the church office.
B17.07. Board of Stewardship and Mission Outreach:
     a. Organization: The board will be composed of a director, assistant director and additional members.
     b. Responsibilities: The board is responsible for the development of good stewardship attitudes in the members of the congregation in regard to time, talents, and
         treasures - to provide for training and utilizing members of the congregation for the work of Christ’s kingdom.
     c. Suggested Functions May Include But Are Not Limited To:
          1) Maintaining a congregational time and talent file by annual updates and immediately recording the talents and abilities of incoming members. Utilizing
              the file to fill needed vacancies. The master copy will be filed in the church office.
          2) Maintaining a Sunday offering counter list and providing the church office with a list of counters for the following month by the 20th of the current month
              to allow time for it to be printed in the Grapevine.
          3) Providing training opportunities for the development of talents (training courses, workshops, etc.).
          4) Fostering support for missions, charities and other outreach mission needs. This support will be met through the distribution of a percentage of the      
              benevolence program and special funds projects as set forth in the annual budget.
          5) Encouraging and coordinating volunteer activity in the areas of social services within the congregation and community to serve the needs of special groups,
              i.e., widowed, divorced, special needs, etc., and to minister to congregation members who are unable to care for and transport themselves.
         6) Serving as the congregational link to local charities/missions, conferences, synod and national committees on social action, special ministries and
              metropolitan ministries.
         7) Reviewing all offers of non-solicited gifts to the congregation and making a recommendation to the Property Board. Upon approval from the Property
              Board, they will then bring the recommendation to the Congregation Council for approval.
         8) Screening all outside appeals for funds and make appropriate recommendations to the Congregation Council.
         9) Conducting an annual program to advise members of the principles of basic biblical stewardship principles and practices.
        10) Encouraging the gospel-motivated practice of worshipful, liberal, proportionate first-fruits giving in response to received blessings and recognized needs.
B17.08. Board of Youth:
     a. Organization: The board will be composed of a director, assistant director and additional members.
     b. Responsibilities: The board is responsible for involving young people of all ages in the work of Christ, providing for and nurturing their spiritual growth and
         promoting genuine Christian fellowship for the young people of the congregation. The board must ensure that all volunteers have a current background check
         on file in the church office.
     c. Suggested Functions May Include But Are Not Limited To:
          1) Monthly Youth Board meetings with the Board of Youth director, assistant director and/or a senior high representative.
          2) Encourage weekly Senior High Bible Study with adult support.
          3) In conjunction with the Board of Lay Ministry, conduct senior high led worshipservices (perhaps one in the fall and one on Souper Bowl Sunday).
          4) In conjunction with other boards participate in activities such as Easter egg hunts, Easter breakfasts, Christmas programs, etc.
          5) Monthly social events for junior high, senior high and young adults such as bowling, park activities, laser tag, Wii, etc.
          6) Service projects such as church property maintenance/cleanup, soup kitchens, animal shelters, Souper Bowl Sunday, Habitat for Humanity, Meals on
              Wheels, nursing home visits and the Humane Society.
          7) Participate in youth camps:
          8) Provide for public recognition of youth activities and accomplishments such as high school/college graduations or other notable accomplishments.
          9) ELCA Youth Gathering. Work with the pastor(s) and congregation to organize and lead a group to participate in the ELCA Youth Gathering when it comes
              into rotation. This may include fundraising, informational meetings, training, organizing of volunteers and participants, and actual participation in the event.

B18. When necessary for the administration of congregation activities and functions, the President with the Congregation Council approval, may appoint, task and provide direction to Ad Hoc Committees. A representative of such committees shall attend monthly Congregation Council meetings and provide an update of  committee progress. Any expenditure must be presented to the Congregation Council. (C12.05c)

Part 19. STAFF
B19.01. The Congregation Council is authorized to hire, discipline and dismiss paid staff (C12.08) excluding the pastor(s) who is/are governed by Chapter 9 of the constitution.
B19.02. Written job descriptions will be prepared and approved as governed by B16.05 of the bylaws.
B19.03. Employment of paid staff will comply with Texas and Federal employment guidelines
B19.04. Performance reviews will be prepared for paid staff members (B16.05) on or before the hire date anniversary.
B19.05. The Congregation Council may dismiss paid staff with or without cause. Appeal of termination may be made to the Executive Committee.

B20. The Congregation Council will maintain adequate insurance and liability coverage on all property, employees, and board members.

B21. Requests for recurring use of church property will be submitted through the Board of Property to the Congregation Council and maintained on the church calendar by the membership secretary.

B22.01. The cemetery shall be known as Immanuel Lutheran Church Cemetery and may be used by members of this congregation for burial purposes. Guidelines established by the Executive Committee and approved by the Congregation Council will be maintained in the church office.
B22.02. Congregation members as defined by the constitution will have a burial place without cost. This also applies to former and associate members who desire to be buried in the cemetery.
B22.03. Non-members who are related to a member of this congregation and non-member Lutherans may purchase a single space at a price comparable to local rates at the time of purchase and as determined by the Property Board and approved by the Congregation Council.
B22.04. Members and non-members who bury loved ones in the cemetery will place a permanent type marker which will remain legible and that bears the name of the deceased, date of birth and date of death. The marker will be placed within six months after burial. Improvements to the plot such as curbs, etc. must be approved by the Board of Property. Individual plots shall be cared for by family members and shall be maintained in good order.

B23.01. The Congregation Council may adopt amendments and policy statements as authorized in Chapter 17 of the constitution.
B23.02. No amendment or policy statement may conflict with the Immanuel Lutheran Church constitution or bylaws or those of the Northern Texas/Northern Louisiana Synod and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America