
Special Projects... HELP NEEDED

FAMILY PROMISE:  Our plan is to provide a protein, vegtables, salad, rolls or bread, and desert. Generally, we serve 10 to 25 people, including members from ILC and Trinity. This is an important outreach component of our mission to serve the community - and we hope you will help.

Mowing and Trimming of Grass: God has blessed our ministry. We have a gorgeous large building, a cemetery and 10 acres of land with a beautiful grove a live oaks. He wouldn’t have allowed us to have all these wonderful things if he didn’t think we could handle it all.

This is our home that we all share and we all have a responsibility to maintain and be good stewards of. Each of us need to do our part and then step-up and take care of things that may not normally be our responsibility.

One of the most time-consuming jobs we have around the church is the mowing and trimming of the grass; not only at the church but at the cemetery. Our ‘staff’ of unpaid volunteers is dwindling for a number of reasons. Ladies and gentlemen, we need you to step up, coordinate through the Church Property Committee, and help get things done around the church. If we can’t get more folks involved to help, we will need to pay to get things done… like the mowing of the grass

Transportation Team:  The Board of Stewardship & Mission Outreach is considering establishing a team of drivers who would be available to provide transportation to and from doctor's appointments and medical facilities for members of our church. It would consist of a coordinator and several drivers who would have to be contacted by the person needing assistance three or more days prior to their appointment(s).  Each driver would have to undergo a background check, and we would have to check for valid driver licensing and car insurance. It would be strictly volunteer and there would be no reimbursement for gas.  This is a way of showing your stewardship to God’s people and "To Do Unto Others." If you would like to volunteer to provide transportation or need use of this service, please either send an e-mail to: StewardshipChair@KilleenImmanuel.com  or a note to the board at Immanuel Lutheran Church, 3801 Cunningham Rd., Killeen, TX 76542, to inform us of your interest.

The Board of Stewardship/Mission Outreach is in need of more volunteers interested in joining our efforts in this important work.

Counters are needed to help count each Sunday's offering. It normally takes no more than one hour at the most to do so.   If interested, please notify Arlys in the office or Art.

Education Board - Teachers and substitutes are always welcome. Please contact Randi to help.

Serving on a Board

Lay Ministry challenges you to get involved in the life of our congregation. There's a place for you to share your God given gifts here at Immanuel. Below are some of the programs you get involved with fellowship or can help with. God's watching and were waiting to welcome you! ​         


One project we need more people to get involved is Family Promise - Every member of ILC is encouraged to be involved in some way. Of course we always need the food. You can also come to serve or see what it's all about. Remember that when we keep our promise for these families, we are meeting our stated purpose to Serve the Community - what a special way to share our blessings!


   As always, we ask that anyone who is able would consider the possibility of being a substitute teacher


  • Help in the kitchen:  I want to extend an invitation to anyone to become involved in the work of our kitchen here at Immanuel.  All hands are welcome.  We maintain a list of members who graciously provide food when needed.  If you are able to volunteer to help with providing food for our fellowship, and would like to be added to the call list, please contact Barbara, Fellowship Director, to be added to the list.  Many hands doing God's work make  the work easier!


  • new board members are always welcome to help plan and implement our worship services
  • Adult choir
  • Bell choir, aka "The Ding-a-Lings"


programs include
  • Old Hwy FM 440 cleanup
  • Mowing Team
  • Property Team
Various activities are offered throughout the year and will be announced in Sunday bulletins and newsletters.

More Opportunities to get involved at Immanuel

Bible StudySunday School will continue during the service for anyone ages 2-18. After the children's sermon each Sunday, please feel free to send your children to the narthex (lobby), so they can receive a special message and activity. Depending on how many children are present will determine which area we work in. We always try to do something hands on!

Adult Sunday School is held at 9 am in Room 105 starting after Easter. More information to come.

Adult Bible Study every Thursday at 6:30 p.m. Drive Through History Acts thru Revelation by Dave Stott's and led by Kelly Snyder until June 6, 2024. No Bible Study on March 14, April 4 or 11. 

For more information about educational opportunities, please email Education Director Kara Trevino at karaltrevino@gmail.com

Small Group StudiesThis is such an exciting opportunity for small groups to get together and study different aspects of the Lutheran faith as well as different areas of the Bible. See our weekly bulletin for active groups.

Confirmation  -  classes scheduled as needed 

The Seekers   The Women's Bible Study Group meets the second Thursday of each month at 9:30 a.m. in the library. 

The Page Turners Reading Group  We meet the third Wednesday of the month at 1:30 p.m. in the library and all are welcome whether you read the monthly selection or not. We usually have a lively discussion on other books that the group has enjoyed and recommends. Please come and join us.

Women of the ELCA  Our monthly breakfast meet the second Saturdays at 9:30 am.

Retirees/Friends Lunch  will have their monthly covered dish lunch on the third Wednesday of the month beginning at 12 noon.  Bring your favorite dish to share.  Games will be available or just come to have lunch together and visit with each other.  Remember, you don’t need to be retired to attend, just bring a dish or if you forget, come anyway.

LWR Quilting Group meets the second and fourth Mondays from 10-2 p.m.