Thank you for your support.
Please click the green link below to give online to Immanuel Lutheran Church in Killeen
If this is your first time giving and you are not a member of our congregation,
simply fill out the form.
Helpful hints: In the “Give to” block, choose a program that you want your offering to support.
Helpful hints: In the “Give to” block, choose a program that you want your offering to support.
If this is your first time giving and you are a member of our congregation and would like to make another online offering in the future,
please sign up by clicking the “Sign up” button located at the top right corner of the page.
Once you have signed up, the next time simply sign in. The program will remember your information.
Helpful hints: In the “Give to” block, choose a program that you want your offering to support.
In the “Member number” block, use your member number that is on your offering envelopes.
Helpful hints: In the “Give to” block, choose a program that you want your offering to support.
In the “Member number” block, use your member number that is on your offering envelopes.